Horsens paid tribute to YdePlus! …and the others

Horsens Gazellefejring med YdePlus, Horsens Kommune, Borgmester Peter Sørensen

Horsens paid tribute to YdePlus! …and the others

Last week, Horsens Municipality paid tribute to the record number of newly awarded Gazelle companies at Horsens Ny Teater. Of course, you also find YdePlus among the 50 Gazelle companies in Horsens.

It is the first time that Horsens Municipality organizes a Gazelle celebration. The whole celebration is both recognition of the many enterprising companies that live in the municipality, and partly to share knowledge and inspiration in the business world.

It was an evening of tributes, pats on the back, inspiration, and exchange of experiences through a panel debate. Jesper and Christian attended the party and had a good chat with the good people at the municipality, strong local companies, and Mayor Peter Sørensen.

Christian Wibe-Marker til Horsens Kommunes fejring af rekordmange nykårede gazellevirksomheder på Horsens Ny Teater.
Paneldebat ved Horsens Kommune Gazellefejring med Borgmester Peter Sørensen

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