Go directly to jail. Do not pass GO,
do not collect $200. However,
you get to see a rebranded museum
At Fængslet (The Prison) in Horsens, you will find Europe’s largest prison museum.
This award-winning cultural gem will give you a historical insight into Horsens State Prison. YdePlus has developed a strong and recognizable visual identity for the museum.
- Brand Communication
- Brand Design
- Brand Guidelines
- Brand Identity
- Graphical Elements
- Illustration
- Logo Design
- Wayfinding
The ask was for a strong and memorable identity, understandable in many languages, easy and informative for visitors to use, and of course, in line with Fængslet’s own brand.
We started with a complete re-brand of the museum. We reviewed all the possibilities to create an experience for guests to the museum. We developed signs – big and small, a digital treasure hunt, a logo and much more.

When the team behind Fængslet contacted us to do a visual identity for the prison museum, we were thrilled. We could create the framework for something so unique and historically important for both Horsens, but also all of Denmark’s tourism and local culture.

Appealing to both children and adults, you’ll be surprised at the how much of the original prison cells have been preserved, Lorentzen’s tunnel and many other amazing experiences.